Monday, August 9, 2010


Well, I suppose I should introduce myself.

So prepare for a rambling mass of mediocre grammar!

My name is Kat (the Scissorhands is optional) and I am an unashamed female nerd. My interests are too many to list, but in short, I love nearly all things book-music-and-movie-related. Some favorites are Tim Burton's (OLD) movies, the music of Danny Elfman (and Oingo Boingo!), Harry Potter, mythology, and New Wave music. I also love anime and making things out of duct tape.

I HATE Twilight and everything that it stands for (there will probably be more ranting about this in a later entry), as well as Avatar. No, I love the animated TV series (though the movie sucked. ZUTARA FOREVER!!!) I just hate that pointless marketing monstrosity made by James Cameron (again, more ranting at a later post).

Some other things you should know about me:

My favorite food is cheese fries. My favorite words are "epic," "awesome," and "beast." I'm a klutz. I'm nearsighted and wear thick plastic-framed glasses. I call them my "Clark Kent glasses" even though Bruce Wayne is over 9000x awesomer :)

What to expect from this blog:

I love to write. I write poems, screenplays, novels, short stories... you name it. So I'll post some writing from time to time. But this blog will also be a whole lot of ranting, too, mainly about pop culture. I might also give long, detailed biographies of my heroes. One major purpose of this blog, however, is to talk about movies.
I love movies. Music is just sound, literature just words, and art just pictures- but movies put that all together into a unique experience. My Five Favorite Films are listed on the side of this blog if you are interested. I intend to blog about/review films of all kinds: foreign, classic, fantasy, and maybe some new releases, too (though I don't usually watch new movies).

Also, if you speak French, you know how stupid the title of this blog is. I don't speak French (though I love the language) but I figured out that "fille" can mean "woman" or "girl," which I am, and I wanted a creative way to say "cinephile" (a person who loves movies), and that was it.

I can't really think of anything else to write right now, so I'm going to sign off. Updating will be sporadic, but I'll shoot for once a week.




  1. i thought your favorite food was ramen!

  2. TWILIGHT FOREVER!!! lol... but i can argue about the klutziness.... im a bigger one!!!! and, lastly, CHEESE FRIES FOREVER!!!! after twilight, of course!
